
On-Site Generated Electrolyzed Water

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Electrolyzed water generated from EcoloxTech systems can replace all sanitizers in the supermarket. Our Eco-Friendly sanitizer is safe on all food contact surfaces and can be used directly on food.


Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is safe and effective as a no-rinse sanitizer on produce. There are no harmful residues, no alterations in taste, no odors, and no discolorations. Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water has been cleared by the FDA for no-rinse sanitation of produce if generated from EcoloxTech systems. See FCN 1811 on the FDA website. Also see the letter from USDA Organic.


Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used as a no-rinse sanitizer for meat, poultry, and seafood. Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is FDA cleared for no-rinse sanitation if generated from EcoloxTech systems. See FCN 1811 on the FDA website. Also see the letter from USDA Organic.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to clean and sanitize food contact surfaces. Electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid is highly effective against Escherichia coliSalmonellaListeriaStaphylococcus, and MRSA. To learn more please visit our research page and search by microbe.
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to clean equipment and food contact surfaces in the Deli.

EcoloxTech systems can be installed above sanitation sinks for sanitizing pots and pans.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is safe and non-irritant and can be used to help sanitize hands and feet prior to entering a facility.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to sanitize contact surfaces, equipment, floors and bathrooms. It does not cause discoloration of floors as seen with chlorine bleach.

On-Site and On-Demand

EcoloxTech systems are compact and easy to install. Systems are designed to generate Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water on-site and on-demand from an additive made yourself with just table salt and water.

What is Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water?

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a neutral-to-acidic electrolyzed water. HOCl has been studied for over 100 years and it is an undeniable fact that it is a more powerful oxidant than chlorine bleach. Only within the last 30 years have we been able to generate solutions of near 100% HOCl in such a stable form. HOCl kills bacteria, bacterial spores, and viruses 100 times more effectively than chlorine bleach.

How does it work?

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is a powerful oxidant (800 to 1000 mV) that can kill microbial pathogens immediately upon contact by damaging cell walls or inactivate the pathogen by entering and disrupting proteins, lipids, and DNA.

Has it been researched?


In the last 30 years we have collected over 300 published research articles supporting the use of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. Nearly every common bacterial pathogen has been studied such as E. coliSalmonellaListeriaVibrioStaphylococcusMRSAspore forming bacteria, and many common viruses (including Norovirus) and fungi. To learn more please visit our research page and search by microbe or industry to find applicable research.

What about regulation from FDA, USDA, and EPA?

We have pages dedicated to the regulation of electrolyzed water as it pertains to the FDAUSDA, and EPA. Please visit our pages for more information. In regards to healthcare sanitation, see our page for the CDC.

Supermarket Sanitation

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (EOW) can be used to replace nearly all chemicals used in restaurants for sanitation. Not only can it be used for all food contact surfaces, kitchenware, and floors, but it is also safe and suitable as a an antimicrobial for sanitizing food.

Sanitation of Fish, Seafood, Meat, Poultry, Produce, and Shell Eggs

Electrolyzed water generated from EcoloxTech systems can be used as a no-rinse sanitizer for fish, seafood, meat, poultry, produce and shell eggs per FDA Food Contact Notification 1811 (FCN 1811).

Preparation Areas and Cutting Boards

EOW can be used to clean and sanitize all equipment, food preparation areas, and cutting boards in the kitchen. Hypochlorous acid is approved by the EPA for use on food contact surfaces at concentrations as high as 200 ppm. EOW does not require food to be put away or covered prior to sanitation therefore allowing EOW to be used throughout the day, especially during peak hours when the risk of cross contamination is highest.

Prolonging Shelf-Life of Produce

EOW can be applied via foggers and misters in the produce department to maintain sanitation of fruits and vegetables. EOW will control spoilage organisms and will prolong shelf-life. EOW will also help control the spread of microbial pathogens from customers handling the produce.


Kitchenware, Pots, and Pans

EOW can replace chemicals used in the sanitation sink for cleaning and sanitizing kitchenware, pots, and pans. No post-rinse with potable water is required.

Tables, Bars, and Glass Cleaning

EOW can be used to clean and sanitize all eating areas, tables, and bars. It can also replace all chemical glass cleaners.

Feet Sanitation

A common route for bacteria entering the kitchen from the outside is through the soles of shoes. Stepping into EOW prior to entering the kitchen can decrease the introduction of microbial pathogens.


Checkout Counters

EOW can be kept in spray bottles at the checkout counter for routine sanitation to prevent cross contamination from meat, poutlry, and spills .

Floors and Bathrooms

EOW can replace harsh chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing floors and bathrooms.
